Thursday, June 30

Dream from Tuesday Night

I gave birth to a baby.

It was so sweet. However, I don't remember if it was a girl or a boy, or if I even knew that information.

Giving birth was fairly easy, only two pushes. On the first push the feet and first half came out and on the second push the rest of the half of the baby came out.

I knew that there was no father and that I didn't look like I was pregnant at all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm the father.


Thu Jul 07, 11:14:00 PM PDT  

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Monday, June 27


Over the weekend I had this very vivid dream, I don't remember what night I had the dream anymore though. It was so vivid I wasn't sure how I could write it down, but now I want to jot down the bits and pieces that I do remember.

It was dark and I was in a forrest area sort of
spooky like. I came into this house made from the
huge bole of an immensly large tree. Witches lived
here. At some point I went through the rituals of
becoming a witch. These ended in a dance where the
end of the dance flowed in the motion of a knot --
up, right, around, over, down, and up. Later during
the night, a four foot large size wolf/dragon got
into the house and I was finally able to kill it by
tricking it. I danced in a knot and before the
Wragon realised anything, it's sword had pierced
it's heart.

That night I had a second dream. I was in this
house with a lot of children, lots of cats, lots of
dogs, a lion, a tiger, and a post-pregnant mother
with her newborn baby. I was dead set on making
sure that the cats and dogs were seperated, although
all of the adults that were around didn't seem to
think that was neccessary. I was really scared of
the lion and tried to spend most of my time in a
corner hiding or on top in my bunkbed.

Last night, I had a dream. I want to say that it was odd, but in a way all dreams are odd.

What I remember is that I was in a restroom. There
was another man there and Jason Blanco was there.
I haven't spoken with or seen Jason in about 7
years. There were three stalls, I think. There
were one or two sinks in the restroom and then sort
of an isle in the form of a backwards 7. The third
stall was against a wall and the first stall was at
the hallway.

At some point the man told me to kill him(meaning
Jason). I went into the first stall where he was,
apparently the door was unlocked. Alreading having
my gun/pistol in my hand, I shot him in the head. I
didn't know that it was Jason until after I had come
out of the stall and went to the sinks to wash my
hands. Jason had come out of the stall and looking
at me he said, "Emily" and a few other things, but I
don't remember them. When I saw him then, he looked
pinkish/purplish as if he had been dead for more
than a few seconds.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow, that's some deep stuff.
must of been pretty scary, I mean if I killed a person in a dream that I haven't seen for 7year I would of been freaked out. Although, you probably where thinking of him for some reason before going to sleep or if not then weird stuff.

Mon Jun 27, 07:25:00 PM PDT  

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Sunday, June 26


Yesterday I was watching the ARTS channel (or that's what the icon says in the corner when you're watching the channel anyway) and there was a production on. It was like a play without words. People were acting. There was this famous classical song playing the whole time. I'm not sure about the details, but the production was entitled "Stairway to Lennon" and the whole thing was like depicting Russian history or something like that. There was that hammer thing and that C thing.

However, I'm at a loss for what the title of the song may really be and who the composer was/is.


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Thursday, June 16

Happy Birthday to Me! Happy Birthday to Me!

Today, or at least in my part of the world, it's Thursday the 16th of June. I turned 25 at 5:59 p.m. PST.

I went to Marston Middle School for work today and will go back tomorrow. At Marston, there wasn't a lot they needed me to do(which is the case with a lot of my assignments, most recently). However, for first period I watched and made sure students behaved, second period I played UNO with a few students and a teacher, third period I played some games online at coolmath, at fourth period I went out to the dirt field to supervise 8th grade students walking to the Barbecue and yearbook signing for 8th graders. At about 1:30ish I left the campus, got some lunch through Jack-in-the-Box, and came home. I had some plans change and instead of having my teeth cleaned next week, I had them cleaned today at 3:00.

As for my birthday, my mom, dad, and I went over to the Lennox's for dinner. Mrs. Jetta Lennox and I share the same birthday.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, happy b-day

<3 simbot

Thu Jun 16, 10:59:00 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy B-day Mary!! I also recently celebrated a birthday :-)

Thu Jul 07, 11:16:00 PM PDT  

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Sunday, June 5

Yesterday evening I went to a Padres' game, although we didn't win. We lost bad. 5 to 11 The Cubs won.

Earlier yesterday I was picking at my toe nails and came a little bit too close. I was fine at the game, but I was in a ton of pain when I went to go to bed. I think I finally was able to fall asleep around 4 o'clockish. That was after I tried laying a heat pad on my pinky toe, and then two bags of ice. I tried binding my foot/toes as well. I'm not sure which method was the most successfull, but I eventually got to sleep. My pinky toe, on my left foot, still hurts if I touch it, but if I don't I'm ok. Last night it was throbbing with pain. Maybe I've learned my lesson.

Now, I've almost finished my new skin for this blog. I just need a few more tweaks. If you want take a peek. Feel free to tell me what you think. ;cP


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Wednesday, June 1

the shoes are too big

Well, first off, this morning I had an appointment with my psychiatrist. Then I went to Grossmont College to see what books I need for the English class I'm taking during the summer. After I finished at the college I went to a nearby mall area and found some loafers and a pair of black pumps. They feel comfortable, but the backs don't stay on, so my mom says that they are too big.



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