Tuesday, October 18

Rainy Day

Yesterday was my better day. I found out that I am being kept on my job til Thanksgiving. Then, at that time, they'll decided whether or not to keep me again.

Today was different.

It rained. I don't like to get wet.

When I got to work I found out that today is/was Principal Planning Day for all of the 2nd and 3rd grade teachers. Which means that all the 2nd and 3rd grade classes had substitute teachers. Mix rain with a substitute teacher and you get an excited, noisy classroom of children that won't stay in their seats.

But then, I had just finished writing the rough draft to hand in to my professor for English 120, however I hadn't left my self time to finish my homework.

But when I got to my English class, I ultimately found out that he had rescheduled the rough and final draft due dates....AND would not accept the draft that I had hoped to hand in. I felt so humiliated.


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